One thing is for sure, do your preparations thoroughly, make sure you are in touch with a good lawyer that can assist you with the legal part of purchasing property or a house. And don't forget that everybody pretends to be a real estate broker, better to take a look at the ones that are official and will assist you in getting all the necessary documents arranged. The lawyer can also help you with getting a CPF number and support you in getting permanent visas, if required. You might pay a little more by using such a large firm, but you can be assured that they deliver according to their promises. A little negotiating on the prices is always worth a try.
In the main street we ran into Don who has a pousada and is also active in real estate. He has married a Brazilian lady, so you can take a little advantage of the local knowledge as well. But then again, ask around, and don't commit yourself to soon. Robert and WIllem from Laranja Mecanica have been in Cumbuco for some years now, they are a good source for information and advice as well.
So we continue with our hunt for a great place, updates will follow soon.
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