Monday, January 22, 2007

a typical day in Cumbuco

sunset cumbuco
Originally uploaded by activecumbuco.
Waking up around 0700, after the shower we get to the breakfast table, either in the pousada where we are staying at the moment, or somewhere in any of the small restaurants that you can find in the Cumbuco village center. There are plenty, on this website you will find a lot of places where to go, pousadas included.

So after a healthy breakfast we check the wind, boring exercise because the wind is almost always great! So we pack our stuff, decide if we go for a tour or not, and then start pumping the kites.

Practicing some more tricks, make a small downwinder and get together with some friends for lunch. Afternoon, do some reading first, then another session around 1500 and watch the sun go down before heading back to the pousada.

And at night we eat and drink, :) sometimes we go to Fortaleza for some great adventure, Mucuripe is one of the nicer places to go to. European style and many different styles of music. It's worth the trip, and with a typical taxi it's only 40R$ to get back to Cumbuco. W'll post some of our dinner adventures tomorrow.

W're gonna look for land and houses this week, so stay tuned for more real estate info later this week.


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